Cancelation Number - What is this?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
If you have a cancelation number on your vendor profile, say if it says 1 cancelation (or more), this means you canceled from the health fair inside of the 14 window - which means you didn't cancel in a timely manner. Some cancelations or just (someone in the family died, car wreak, and etc.) and some are unjust (staffing issues, rain, and etc.) . Regardless, at this point in Health Fair Connections's (HFC) ecosystem, we tally them whether they are just or unjust. If you receive more than 3, it's highly unlikely that you have 3 just cancelations.

How do I get a good booth photo?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
It's essential that you have an awesome health fair booth photo on your profile. Here's an example:There are hundreds of examples if you browse through Health Fair Connections' (HFC) vendor directory:https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors Many vendors are asking, how do I take a photo of my awesome booth? The good news is, all you need is a smart phone - which most folks have these days...If you're not attending a health fair anytime soon, set your health fair booth up in your office, office building, or space that appears to be inside of a corporation. Then, snap snap :-)Make sure ...

How do I make my vendor profile stand out?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
I'd like my profile to stand out... What can I do to make this happen so that I increase my chances of getting selected for health fairs?Below are a few tips to help you make your HFC profile more appealing to hosting companies. Your profile and listing are what help you stand out and get selected to attend employee health fairs.And if you do the following, you'll be on the right track:1. Have a good booth photo Having booth photos on your HFC profile is critical in getting selected to attend health fairs. Hosts (HR teams and benefits professionals) rank this as the number one thing they c...