How do I promote my event?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
You can use the following tactics and tips to promote your health fair. Post health fair flyersSend a calendar invite to all employeesPut poster boards up around the buildingSend a cheerleader around to speak with employees about their health fairHave the CEO, CFO, VP of HR send an email to all employees regarding attending the health fairMake announcements at company wide meetings about the health fair Deploy HFC's RSVP Splash Page (coming soon)Regardless, you should start promoting your health fair soon as possible and it all starts with creating your health fair. Once your health fair is...

How do I get my event flyer?
Posted on Friday November 11 2016
Free Health Fair Event FlyerOne day later or 24 hrs after creating a health fair, an event flyer will be emailed to you. If you would like to download your event flyer the moment the health fair is approved, you can go inside your dashboard and download it. You can also customize your event flyer inside your dashboard to make it read like you would like.