I forgot my password
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Click the forgot password link on the log in page. Here's the direct link to where the forgot password link takes you: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/users/password/newOnce you click "send me reset password instructions", it will send you an email. If you don't see it in your email, make sure you check your SPAM. Once you click the email link, it will take you to a reset your password page, then you'll enter a new password. Once you enter new password, you'll be able to log in. Make sure you're using a modern web browser, that way all elements are displayed.

I can't log in
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
If you've forgotten your password or are having trouble logging in to your Health Fair Connections (HFC) account, visit: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/users/password/newEnter the email address you use for HFC, and you'll be emailed a link to reset your password. If you don't receive the email, check your spam. If you'd like to update or change your password, go through the same process. Make sure you're using a modern web browser to all elements on the web page are displayed.