Defense Health Headquarters Health Fair
Upgrade to view est. employee turnout
RSVP Deadline
Express Interest By: May 4th, 2018
The host expects to respond to all vendors by May 11th, 2018
Insurance Info
Medical: TRICARE
Company Info
Male: 60% // Female: 40%
Wifi? Yes // Electricity? Yes
Tables/Chairs Provided? Yes - One 6ft table and at least one chair per vendor
Venue Type? indoor
June 2018
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Falls Church, VA
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Event Description
The Defense Health Headquarters (DHHQ) is hosting their annual health fair on Thursday,
June 21, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in the DHHQ Pavilion. Our mission is to strengthen
our work force by providing our employees with information and resources regarding their
health, fitness journeys and awareness for early detection and to promote positive behavior
choices. Our theme this year is "Eat Well, Work Well, and Play Well".
Event Host,
Defense Health Headquarters