ADD/ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders, yet it is one of the most misunderstood! Parents know firsthand the amount of stress a child with a spectrum challenges brings to the family dynamic. Government statistics say that the divorce rate in families struggling with spectrum challenges is over 80%! Even more frustrating is the all too common reality that parents are rarely given any information on where this condition came from, what they can do about it, or treatment options other than drugs. In his workshop, ADHD - Real Answers, Dr. Jason Day will give parents a clear and scientific understanding of exactly what their child is going through as well as specific strategies to reconnect and balance their brain-body connection. Fidgeting, low attention spans, emotional outbursts, and uncontrollable energy are all symptoms of something far deeper. This workshop will illuminate the cause behind ADHD, and equip each parent with the absolute best tools to raising healthy connected kids!