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Summerfield Custom Wellness

Raleigh, NC

20 mile radius

Nutrition and Wellness Seminars

Nutrition and Wellness Seminars

Webinars, lunch & learns, and classes that are customized to your employees' needs and interests. Billable to many health plans for $0 out of pocket cost!

60 min. length












Some of our common wellness seminar topics! 

The 4 Pillars of Wellness

The four pillars of wellness – nutrition, activity, sleep, and stress - each play an interconnected role in our health. This session teaches attendees how a balanced approach to wellness can optimize energy, focus, and vitality. 

Fueling Your Lifestyle with Quick and Easy Meals

You need energy to get through a busy day! Identify the right balance of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to fuel your body day in and day out. You’ll walk away with quick and simple meal ideas and restaurant options that can provide sustained energy throughout the day.  

Healthy Habits While Working from Home

Working from home is now more common than ever. The change in environment and increased distractions can be an added hurdle to feeling healthy and productive. This session will focus on the planning and practice necessary to boost your well-being at home.

Inflammation and Foods that Impact It

Inflammation is our body’s protective response, but when is it harmful, and when is it helpful? This class covers how food affects inflammation and the effect it may have on your health. Join us to learn how to fill your plate with foods that fight inflammation and reduce those that feed it!

The Sugar Sweet Spot 

Some people are easily able to include sugar as part of a balanced diet. Other people need help dialing back their sugar habit. Yet, others want to avoid the weight gain, chronic disease, inflammation, poor gut health, and hormonal imbalance that can accompany overconsumption of sugar.  Come gather the facts about sugar to identify your personal sweet spot.

Meal Planning Magic

With a step-by-step system in place, getting a home-cooked meal on the table won’t need to feel like a full-time job. Learn about the best meal planning and prepping strategies, tools, apps, and websites, and walk away with a meal planning framework to save you money and time in the kitchen.

Smart Snacking

To snack or not to snack? Many people are questioning their choices between meals. Find out how urges to snack might not be true hunger, how snacking can fit into your personal meal patterns, and how to build a balanced snack.

Debunking Dieting Myths

With all of the information available from the internet, TV, and our friends and family, how are we supposed to know which to apply and which to ignore? Let us help you separate fact from fiction and learn strategies that will be sustainable, enjoyable, and customized to your body’s needs.

The Secret Life of Nutrition Labels 

Did you know that a “fat-free” product may contain fat, but a “gluten-free” product contains absolutely zero gluten? There's a lot of information packed into one sneaky nutrition label. Uncover the secrets hiding in each area of the label, learn how to outsmart labeling health claims, and put it all together to decide which foods fit for you and which are in disguise.

Prioritizing Your Health Goals

This interactive session guides you through creating your optimal health vision, identifying which areas are solid, and determining the smallest change that can make the biggest impact towards achieving your goals. We will also help you create SMART goals, backup plans, and action steps for behavior change. 

Hydrate for Health 

Did you know water is the cheapest and easiest daily habit for health? From energy to digestion to temperature regulation, hydration is the key. So why is it so difficult to stick to this free daily habit for health? Join us to explore all the ways water is vital for health and our patients’ favorite tricks for getting it all in!

Stress Reduction & Building Resiliency

It's normal to feel stress from time to time, but chronic stress can lead to serious health concerns. Learn how nutrition and stress management can work hand in hand and stress reduction activities to try at home. You will also learn the ABCs of resilience and strategies for bouncing back.

Sleep, Stress, and Self-Care

People often think of sleep, stress management, and self-care as luxuries but these are all essential components to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. We’ll cover why these areas of wellness are so important to your overall health and some simple strategies that you can implement at home to feel like your best self. 

Easily Active

Get that heart pumping and learn about how to improve your health, mood, metabolism, and longevity through physical activity. More importantly, walk away with a plan to incorporate balanced and consistent activity into your life, once and for all.

Diabetes Prevention

November is American Diabetes Month. More than 100 million Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes and that number continues to climb. The good news is that diabetes is preventable. The first step in prevention is understanding the disease and how it progresses. We’ll help you understand the keys to managing a healthy blood sugar and proactive strategies to prevent long-term health risks.

Heart Health 

February is American Heart Month. More than half of Americans have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This session will explore how blood pressure and cholesterol fit into heart health and risk factors for developing heart disease. Walk away with nutrition and lifestyle strategies to help you enjoy a long life with a happy heart. 

Women's Health

May is Women’s Health Month. Learn about the most common topics in women's health including balancing hormones, mental health, and chronic diseases. Let us answer your questions and provide you with strategies for meeting your health, fitness, and wellness goals. 

Men's Health 

June is Men's Health Month. Testosterone and other hormones, mental health, stress, and chronic disease are important topics in men’s health. Let us answer your questions and provide you with strategies for meeting your health, fitness, and wellness goals. 

Seasonal Favorites                                     

As seasons change, learn about what that means for our favorite fresh and local produce and the nutrients they provide. This class will review Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter picks and offer seasonally appropriate recipes!

Plating Your Way to a Healthy Holiday

Holidays are a time for celebration! The keys to a healthy holiday season are planning ahead and finding balance.  Discover strategies to enjoy your holidays, especially the foods that help make them special, while not completely losing sight of your wellness goals.