2015 02 20 00.08.41

Unicus Fitness

Chicago, IL

25 mile radius

The 12 Minutes of Exercise

The 12 Minutes of Exercise

A great way for office workers to get enough exercise to improve their bodies and lives without having to devote hours of time each day to exercise

30 min. length










The 12 Minutes of Exercise is 4 rounds of 3 minute exercise bouts. It might not sound like a lot but each exercise is done for 60 sec each time and we use our Time Under Tension Method and Mechanical Inefficiency Training Method to squeeze every last calorie out of your body, so trust us when we say you will feel muscles you didn't know you had. The goal is to provide busy office workers and professionals with a great exercise option that doesn't involve them having to devote hours of time each day to the gym. If the goal is to get smaller and tighter (and not Bigger) then the 12 Minutes of Exercise is going to be perfect for you and your co-workers