Oxygen and Breathing. How to not get sick.
Oxygen and Breathing. How to not get sick.
What simple and affordable things are needed to not get sick, ever.
Many corps who self-fund insurance were a
$million or more behind. They $bonused and included meaningful incentives to
the sick & overweight to change diets & exercise & in 1 year their
self-insurance funds had huge $surpluses.
The employees were bragging about how healthy they were getting. Sick days
plummeted. Vacation days were spent enjoying various activities.
Message? Eat right & you heal faster & DON'T GET SICK. Eat wrong . Sit too often - STAY SICK
Both the health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act and
Medicare for All
provide health insurance for the uninsured. However, the
exchanges leave power in the hands of private insurance companies. Medicare for
All takes power away from those companies and puts it in the hands of a public
agency that is accountable to the public.
BUT that public agency never requires personal responsibility for what we stick
in our mouth. Realize that the dollar profit system creates and pays for the
ads that sell the mostly lifeless foods and prescription drug usage on mass
media. Special interests in DC tip the
scales toward the profit motives of the those companies. They treat “sickness,
not health. If people got healthy these companies would go out of business.
Reducing Prescribed Drug Costs Is Mostly Absurd.
Most treat symptoms not causes.
Reduce USAGE by 90%: take responsibility for
what U eat; no fried or packaged foods, pizza, dairy, red meat, TV ads &
eat a mostly plant-based diet and moderate exercise. ONLY THEN yes on Single