We have 1-3 massage therapists, 1-2 doctors, and 1-2 office staff come to your location, and we do 10-minute chair massages for all employees that sign up for the day. A sign-up sheet is sent to you prior to the event, employees sign up for a time, and get a massage, and a chance to speak with the doctor about any health concerns. As a team we come out for 1-4 hours a day. We do this for as many days as needed to make sure all employees and staff have a chance to take advantage of this health event. With larger organizations, we typically will come out for 3 to 5 days in a row due to the volume of interest. These events are the most popular because they are FUN! Everyone loves a chair massage in the middle of the day, and a free chance to speak to a doctor. We have never done a single event for a company. After the first event, we are always asked back again due to demand!