State-of-the-Art Safety
State-of-the-Art Safety
An Ergonomics and Injury Prevention joint
There is far more to protecting the health of your employees than the typical “lift with your legs” as the staple being taught in most Back Safety workshops.
Dr. Saeli brings over 22 years of teaching his patients here in NC as well as other doctors around the country. He’ll arm you and your employees with state-of-the-art information on how injuries occur and what to do to dramatically reduce the risk of back (and shoulder) injuries, both on and off the job.
The workshop also includes (and encourages) active participation of attendees. Dr. Saeli describes and demonstrates the most effective exercises to optimally stabilize and re-engage the coordination of the supporting structures of the spine.
What does "re-engage coordination" mean? Well, as an example, there is a sneaky but sinister condition known in lay terminology as "Glute Amnesia"… stated another way, "you may not have forgotten about your butt, but you butt has forgotten about you."
Sedentary lifestyles and dysfunctional postures have literally caused an interruption in the coordination of some of your main structural supports, such as your Glute muscles. Your employees will learn how to restore these nerve-muscle pathways to bring about much-needed stability while in motion and while at rest.
This subject can be taught as a lunch and learn (luncheon learn) with food included, or as a separate workshop.