Vein Screening
Vein Screening
An initial screening to detect your risk of peripheral vascular disease. PVD symptoms such as heavy legs, pain, and swelling can be precursors for diseases such as Peripheral Arterial Disease and Venous Reflux Disease.
While some patients with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) have very few symptoms, others may experience one or more symptoms depending on the disease progression. These symptoms can include: spider, reticular, or varicose veins, swelling, skin changes, tired heavy legs, pain with exercise, pain at rest or non-healing wounds. Vascular disease may be visible on the legs, but it is important to let a doctor confirm your diagnosis. Although rare, some venous insufficiency can indicate other serious problems in the deep veins that may need immediate treatment. A brief duplex ultrasound to examine blood flow in the legs is an initial step to knowing your risk of PVD.