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Beth EL Wellness & Chiropractic

Durham, NC

25 mile radius

Headache and Migraine Screening

Headache and Migraine Screening

Drug-free Headache and Migraine Relief

9 minutes per screening

Educational handouts










The effects of poorly managed stress and headaches are the leading causes of employee absenteeism and presenteeism.  Presenteeism is when an employee is physically present, but is mentally, emotionally, and/or productively absent. This is often due to a physical condition they are suffering with, or due to the unwanted side effects of a medication that has been prescribed as a form of treatment.

  These problems have become so immense, they are no longer merely a Human Resources issue… but rather a “C-Suite” level financial issue.  Cornell University published a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine showing that productivity losses and total costs associated with presenteeism were most pronounced in patients with Migraine / Headache (followed by allergies and arthritis).

During this screening Dr. Saeli will describe “the anatomy of a headache”… What the most common and the most often overlooked causes of headache are and how to most effectively mitigate such.

  For those who suffer with frequent headache, this screening will include a brief evaluation and gauge the likelihood of whether the screenee would benefit from drug-free measures to find relief of their pain.