How Do I Invite My Employee Benefits Broker To My Employee Health & Wellness Fair?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
You can invite them once you create your health fair on the next page in the flow. If your benefits broker is helping you or managing your employee health fair, they're considered your team members - so invite them in the team members page that will be displayed to you after creating a health fair. You can also invite your broker and carrier via your health fair dashboard in the invite section. Just copy and paste their email, then click invite. It's that easy.

How Do I Invite My Team Members To My Employee Health Fair Dashboard On HFC?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
After you create a health fair, on the following pages, you'll see a page dedicated to inviting your team members (fellow HR managers and benefits folks that work at your company). You can also do this inside your health fair dashboard, after going through the health fair creation flow. All you have to do is copy and past their emails, and click invite. It's that simple! :) At that point, they'll have the same transparency as you do.