Health Fair Connections Blog

Behind the Scenes

HFC behind the scenes


How Do I Deny Health Fair Exhibitors From Participating In My Health Fair?
How Do I Vet Exhibitors Via HFC's Messaging Functionality
Is It A Problem That HFC Doesn’t Have Any Exhibitors Or Vendors In The Area I'm Located?
What's the difference between the different types of exhibitor ads inside my list of interested vendors?
Do the vendors I select in HFC charge me or my organization?
A vendor said he was charged, and charged unjustly.
How Do I Back Out Registered Health Fair Vendors & Exhibitors?
How Do I Select Vendors / Exhibitors For My Health Fair??
No shows
How Does HFC Vet Health Fair Vendors & Exhibitors?
Why Should My Health Fair Exhibitors Register via HFC?
How Can I Get More Health Fair Vendors and Exhibitors via HFC?
Tips for accommodating vendors


Does HFC charge vendors?
Will HFC charge my vendors?
How does HFC make money?
What's the cost to use Health Fair Connections?

Getting Started

How long should I wait to list my health fair?


How do I promote my event?
How do I get my event flyer?

To dos

What does HFC not provide (like, do you staff my event)?
What's expected of me?

Day of the Health Fair

Vendors aren't showing up
How do I handle the employee raffle?
What materials do I need on the day of the health fair?
What vendor special request arise on the day of the health fair?

Team Members

How Do I Invite My Employee Benefits Broker To My Employee Health & Wellness Fair?
How Do I Invite My Team Members To My Employee Health Fair Dashboard On HFC?


I forgot my password
I can't log in

Cancelation or Postponement

How can I postpone or reschedule my health fair
I need to cancel my health fair

Multiple Locations

Can I use HFC for multiple office locations?

Share HFC

"Share HFC" Email Template

Vendors aren't showing up

Posted on Sunday November 13 2016

No worries if you've used Health Fair Connections (HFC) for your health fair.

Here's what's going on: Some vendors participate in health fairs on a weekly basis and get comfortable with setting up quickly; therefore, show up right before the health fair starts. Don't stress to much over this. If this upsets you, feel free to leave the vendor a rating and review after the health fair.

Here are things HFC does to ensure there aren't any no shows:

Health Fair Connections (HFC) will email all registered vendors at least 3 times asking them to click a button to confirm their attendance in the health fair. If a vendor has yet to confirm their attendance, vendors will then be sent a text message asking them to confirm their attendance. If you see that a vendor hasn't confirmed their attendance on their event details sheet, feel free to message the vendor through the portal or give their office a call. 

HFC also warns vendors they’ll receive a $50 no show fee if they don’t cancel within 50 days. HFC has a credit system for vendors that allows them to accrue monetary credits. If the vendor has any credits, our system will deduct $50 worth and if the vendor doesn’t, it will put them in a negative credit balance.

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